On may 28, 2021, and the Centre for civil society and Human Rights (ECHR) has submitted to the president at the time, Daniel's Language, by letter, with the no 202105281a number of proposals for the improvement of the draftului of the Strategy of the Government of Romania for the Inclusion of Romanian Citizens Belonging to Roma Minority for the Period 2021-2027, the version published in the November 5, 2020. In its letter that it would draw attention to the lack of mention of women in rome, in the direction of the action, in action, and the proposed indicators, as well as the omission of the approach to violence against women, and the children of the roma, which are serious violations of the recommendations of the Commission to the European Parliament and of the European strategy for the national post-2020, with respect to the integration of the roma people.
On the 22nd of June, 2021 , the ECHR, in the name of the 139 to the NGO has called for a response to the letter from the transmisî on may 28, 2021. By means of the exchange of letters, NGOS, the signatories point out that the current draft of the Strategy roma women are not adequately represented, and, as such, the draft does not contain the approach of the concrete and the intersecțională to the needs of roma women in all areas covered. More specifically, the draft of the strategy, although it points out and it shows the vulnerability of roma women and the problems they are facing in different areas I don't have the answers to the problems referred to by the specific measures and indicators for cross-cutting, or special, destined for the women of rome so, as required by the European Commission in the Framework of the European strategy for Equality, Inclusion, and Participation of the Roma people (2021 to 2030). Also,the the undersigned organizations condemn the poor to consultation of the National Agency for the Roma organisations, active in the defence of the rights of roma women, or the women activists of rome to the development of the strategyas the European Commission called on the member states as a mandatory premergătoarea the development of national strategies.
NGOs argue that it is absolutely necessary that Roma women are represented proportionally in all areas of action and proposed measures, through an intersectional approach as well as the development of special measures in areas such as preventing and combating forms of violence against women and children of Roma ethnicity.
The omission of the approach to domestic violence and gender-based violence against women, and the children of the roma is a violation of their human rights, and violence is a major obstacle in the development of emotional and socio-economic status and the exercise of any other rights and fundamental freedoms,. The end of violence against women and children is a must, legally, ethically, and economically. A number of data show unambiguously that the women/ girls of rome are damaged to an extent disproportionate to all known forms of violence (domestic violence, forced marriage, exploitation and trafficking in human beings. According to the ANES, the women of rome in 2018, they accounted for 46.5 percent (1.569) of the total number of victims of a particular ethnic group (3,374 the victims), and in the first half of the year 2019, the women of rome were 35% (611) from 1753 to the victims of a different ethnic group , the same data show that, in general, women/girls, it accounts for about 60 per cent of victims of domestic violence, of which 83% are children.
In February of 2021, and the European Parliament is to emphasize the vulnerability of the high-roma communities against all forms of trafficking and exploitation, particularly of women and children, and calls on the Commission and the member states to develop specific measures to combat trafficking in human beings, by means of the national strategies for roma integration for the period from 2020 to 2030, as well as to collect statistical data of the victims of trafficking in human beings, on the basis of their ethnic origin.
The ECHR stated that a national strategy on different forms of violence against women and children, did not include measures for the victims of the roma.
Your letter has been forwarded to the Senior Eu, and that ms. Helena Dalli, Commissioner in charge of the directorate-general for Justice and Consumers.
The event was held within the framework of the project, ReAct - Reform, and the judiciary for the protection of the rights of children who are victims of trafficking in human beings in the criminal justice system, which is funded by the programme for Active Citizens in the Bottom of Romania, which is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021
The letter can be found