The project
Stronger for Costesti it is a project of the education and activation of the civic dedicated to the village of Costesti, hunedoara county. To do there? The project is being carried out by the Centre for civil society and Human Rights, in partnership with the centre for the Development of a Community of Buzău, the Secondary School in the village of Costesti, and the Prefecture of the Buzău, in the period from April 2015 to April 2016. Through our activities, we aim to provide best solutions to the development of the community as a whole.
Summer kindergarten 25 children, roma and non-roma in the village of Costesti, takes place in the period from august 7 – September 7, 2015 and will be hosted by the program Parts.
The camp of the debate 20 of the roma and non-roma, and 3 of the teachers in the School Gymnasium Covered it was held from 31 July – 6 august, 2015, in the resort town of mount Olympus.
The program of mentoring, education, and remedial education 40 of the roma children in the School Gymnasium Covered shall be carried out in the course of the academic year 2015 – 2016 and it is developed by the teaching staff of the school.
Literacy program 15 of the women in the community, it is primarily addressed to the mothers of the children who carries out activities in the framework of the programme.
The among the inhabitants of the village of Costesti, and the local authorities were organized for the realization of the needs of the community and the implementation of the action plan for implementation at the local level, the national Strategy for the roma people.
The first event of the debate in Costesti it is claimed in the month of April, 2016 for the students of the School Gymnasium Covered, the members of the club for the discussion of the local.
The project is funded by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, as part of the NGO fund in Romania, with the amount of 73958 RESPECTIVELY.

Project financed by EEA grants 2009 – 2014, within the NGO Fund in Romania.
Project carried out by:
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