The centre for civil society and Human Rights (ECHR) on behalf of the 64th NGO on the basis of art. 7 of the Law. Law no. 52/2003 on decisional transparency in public administration submitted to the National Agency for the Management of the Property Preserved as a result, today, the 10th of June 2021, the number of recommendations relating to the draft of the National Strategy for the Recovery of Claims Arising from the Crime, for the Period 2021-2025, which are outlined in the attached document.
NGO signatories to appreciate the quality of the proposal, public policy, and he expressed support for the proposed measures, and the different solutions proposed, and in particular with regard to the establishment and functioning of the National endowment for the Prevention of Crime.
NGO signatories to reinterează that the establishment of the National endowment for the Prevention of Crime (FNPC), it is imperative to ensure protection and assistance of victims of human trafficking or other criminal offences, but also for the prevention of trafficking in persons, especially in the context of the current state in the Usa in the last couple of years it has become the leading country-of-origin in the community for victims of trafficking in persons, who are citizens of the European Union.
In this sense, the RoITP to formulate a series of recommendations for the improvement of the strategy, and the documents you post to the strategy, and in particular:
– Having regard to the extent of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings, the establishment of budgets, reasonable, and adequate to 30% of the total FNPC to provide assistance and protection to victims and the prevention of this phenomenon;
– The fund will also include a simplified scheme of compensation for the victims who can't get compensation if the offender has not been identified, went missing, or not having assets tied up in fixed assets for the purpose of recovering damages which may be the subject of the resulting seizure on the way the civil service. The establishment of such a mechanism for the compensation, it will help the Romanian government in the implementation of the recommendation of GRETA in the year 2021, which is an obligation that must be met by the evaluation of the following in the year 2025 ;
– The fund will also include a simplified scheme for the settlement services of private providers of social services, on the basis of a mechanism in the time of grant, affordable, legal, and competitive.
– Reformulation of the guidelines of the Fund, through the introduction of support for the victims of the measures of protection to the already listed features of a small frame for the service of the victims of enforced for the duration of the legal proceedings, but not to the ante-or post-legal procedures, such as access to health care, psychological counseling, job procedures, and services to the education, labour market, etc.
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