A letter to the NRA, and the Commission of the European Strategy for Roma, for 2021-2027
139 NGOS demand of the National Agency for the Roma to include roma in the steps of the strategic post of 2020 and to tackle violence against women and children, including trafficking of children from the roma community.
On may 28, 2021, and the Centre for civil society and Human Rights (ECHR) has submitted to the National Agency for the Roma, a number of proposals for the improvement of the draftului of the Strategy of the Government of Romania for the Inclusion of Romanian Citizens Belonging to Roma Minority for the Period 2021-2027, the version published in the November 5, 2020. In its letter that it would draw attention to the lack of mention of women in rome, in the direction of the action, in action, and the proposed indicators, as well as the omission of the approach to violence against women, and the children of the roma, which are serious violations of the recommendations of the Commission to the European Parliament and of the European strategy for the national post-2020, with respect to the integration of the roma people. A number of recommendations aimed at you for the first time, a more strategic approach to the needs of the victims of the traffic in persons and of the minors of the roma in terms of services, protection and access to justice.
In the absence of a response yesterday, the 22nd of June, 2021 , 139 non-governmental organisations have called for a response to the letter sent on may 28, 2021. The ngos argue that it is imperative that the women of rome, to be covered on a pro rata basis to all areas of the action and the proposed action, by means of an approach that intersecțională as well as the development of special measures in areas such as the prevention of and the fight against all forms of violence against women, and the children of the roma. The ECHR noted that a strategy of running a national of different forms of violence against women and children, did not include measures for the victims of the roma.
The letter was sent to the European Commission, namely, ms. Helena Dalli, Commissioner in charge of the directorate-general for Justice and Consumers, and mr. Szabolcs Schmidt, Head of Unit, Unit for non-Discrimination, and the Coordination of the Roma.
The event was held within the framework of the project, ReAct - Reform, and the judiciary for the protection of the rights of children who are victims of trafficking in human beings in the criminal justice system, which is funded by the programme for Active Citizens in the Bottom of Romania, which is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021
The letter can be found at www.cado.org.ro/uploads/Scrisoare_ANR_Strategie_web.pdf
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The project is carried out by the Advocacy and Human Rights Center (CADO) in partnership with the European Center for Legal Education and Research Association (ECLER) and the Bucovina Social Partnership Institute Association (BUCOVINA INSTITUTE) and benefits from funding in the amount of 218,965.79 euros , through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021; for more information go to www.eeagrants.org. Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.
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