School segregation
The phenomenon of segregation of the school's transform the learning environment into a pattern of negative social behavior for children in the Usa. More than 60% of the schools are monitored and are faced with the situation of the school segregation of roma children, in the studies carried out by UNICEF in partnership with non-governmental organizations. This phenomenon seriously affects the quality of education, and condemning them to live out their lives on the fringes of society.
The centre for civil society and Human Rights council's efforts to monitor and reduce this phenomenon. Lend a hand, indicating the circumstances of the segregation of the school that you know you here or call 0800 811 811 (toll-free)..
In accordance with the legislation of the Usa, school segregation of roma children is not prohibited in 2007. For more details, you can consult the Odinul no.1540/19.07.2007 banning school segregation of roma children, and the approval of the Methodology for the prevention and elimination of school segregation of roma children.
The analysis of the literature carried out in 2008 by the date identified in the continued presence of the phenomenon of school segregation of roma children into the education system in the Usa. According to the analysis conducted by the Agency for the Development of the Community Together, in collaboration with UNICEF in the year of 2010, the major obstacles in the way of a desegregări effective, they are:
- the attitudes and perceptions of the teachers and the administration of the school to the roma people – lingering negative stereotypes, perceptions of discriminatory with regard to the roma, a general lack of awareness of this minority, and the fear of the phenomenon of "white flight" (the migration of the student non-roma pupils in the schools in which they are accepted roma);
- the attitudes and perceptions of the roma and non-roma children, the face of segregation – are not yet fully understood the negative effects of segregation, not the positive effects of desegregation, and the persisting patterns of discrimination against the roma by non-roma;
- the obvious differences between the quality of education in classrooms /schools, a very small percentage of roma children, and those in which the students are roma people constitute the overwhelming majority.
Project financed by EEA grants 2009 – 2014, within the NGO Fund in Romania.
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