A national campaign to raise awareness and the awareness of the victims of human trafficking of a minor

Through this campaign, we want to:

  • the awareness of children aged between 14-18 years of age on the risk and its effects on child trafficking in order to prevent and thus, a reduction in the number of children that are victims of human trafficking of a minor, and the access to the system than justice
  • since the creation of the fans of children between 14 and 18 years old and to the young people to give a voice to victims of trafficking in order to support them to be better protected in the criminal justice system in the face of the actors to the decision makers responsible for the change in the legal framework relating to the status of victims of trafficking in the legal process.

In order to achieve those goals, they will have carried out the following activities:

  1. The realisation of the workshops to the students of the risk (methods of recruitment), and the effects of child trafficking and the plight of the children in the legal process;

Expected results:

  • 2000 students participating in the workshops of the information;
  • 20 of the volunteers involved in the presentation of information on the risk (methods of recruitment), and the effects of child trafficking and the plight of the children in the legal process.
  • The organization of the demonstration to the public of their children, for the support of the proposals for the amendment of the legal framework

Expected results:

  • 2000 students participating in the demonstrations to the public;
  • 20 of the volunteers involved in the organization of the demonstrations to the public.

c. The organization of the competition for the flash mob all over the country.

 Expected results:

  • A minimum of 500 children and young people participating in the competition for the flash mob;
  • 20 of the volunteers involved in the organization of the competition.

We work together for an inclusive Europe!

The project is carried out by the Advocacy and Human Rights Center (CADO) in partnership with the European Center for Legal Education and Research Association (ECLER) and the Bucovina Social Partnership Institute Association (BUCOVINA INSTITUTE) and benefits from funding in the amount of 218,965.79 euros , through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021; for more information go to www.eeagrants.org. Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.

Project carried out by:


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